Allegheny County Office of Children, Youth and Families (Cyf)

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Office of Children, Youth and Families

The Office of Children, Youth and Families (CYF) protects children, 18 years of age and younger, from abuse and neglect and works with families to provide a safety and loving permanent home for children. When a family is accepted for services, CYF coordinates efforts with the family and its natural supports, as well as other DHS program offices, to offer a broad range of options for families.

Types of Services

  • Providing supports to strengthen families and prevent out-of-habitation placement
    • Parent and caregiver support
    • Basics of living
    • Child care and early learning
  • Intervening to protect children at risk of corruption and neglect
    • Investigate reports of kid abuse and neglect
      • General protective services
      • Child protective services
    • Assist with creating a family plan
      • Conferencing and Teaming
    • Emergency and planned temporary out-of-home care
      • Kinship/non-kinship foster intendance
      • Group homes
      • Residential treatment facility (Respond/MSRRT)
  • Reuniting families whenever possible
    • Family services
  • Providing permanent, legally assured homes for children
    • Reunification
    • Adoption
    • Permanent legal custodianship
  • Independent Living services and supports
  • Credential for Strengths-based Family Workers (SFW)

For Information Near CYF Services

  • Questions, concerns or complaints, e-mail or call the DAL i-800-862-6783
  • For TDD support, email the DAL

To Report the Neglect or Abuse of a Child

  • CYF Intake Office 412-473-2000
  • PA ChildLine 1-800-932-0313

Learn more

Other Resources You lot Might Find Helpful

  • Children and Families homepage
  • Child Protection homepage
  • Teens and Immature Adults homepage
  • Brochures
  • Resources guides
  • For providers of services funded by CYF
  • To become a DHS-contracted provider
  • To become a CYF caseworker
  • To use for an internship with CYF

Nigh CYF

Office locations

Regional offices
Learn more

CYF profile

1-page overview of CYF and a more than detailed description of CYF including legal mandates, administration, fiscal and person statistics, programs and services, and contact information.
Acquire more than


  • Erin Dalton, DHS Manager
  • Jacki Hoover, DHS Deputy Manager, CYF
  • With local oversight by the Children, Youth and Families Advisory Commission
  • Republic oversight by PA Departments of
    • Agriculture
    • Education
    • Human Services, Part of Children, Youth and Families

Almanac plans and budgets

Related Information

Kid welfare services in Allegheny County (CYF and JPO)

Allegheny County has divided the provision of child welfare services between three distinct entities that provide 3 distinct types of services. CYF provides services for children and families who are at take chances for, or are experiencing, child abuse or neglect. The Juvenile Probation Office (JPO) provides placement services and support for delinquent youth.

In Pennsylvania, child welfare services are administered at the county level. DHS has assumed the lead role in the administration of fiscal and nearly contractual responsibilities for child welfare services in Allegheny County. (See details below.)


Funding for all services for children, youth and immature adults is allotted from the state in one sum to the Canton kid welfare system (CYF and JPO) according to the annual Allegheny County Needs-Based Plan and Upkeep. All child welfare reimbursement invoices are filed with the Country past CYF and all child welfare reimbursements menstruum back to CYF. CYF so reimburses the joint child welfare account based on actual costs incurred at the level of the individual kid for whatsoever services received through CYF or JPO.

Consolidated and centralized financial accounting of all aspects of child welfare services in Allegheny County allows for more than accurate and timely reporting.  Information technology also enables the improved coordination of canton-delivered services.


The DHS Office of Administration is the repository for all contracts for CYF and JPO. DHS acts every bit the administrative agent of CYF and JPO, assuming the responsibility for establishing contracts and submitting financial and program reports of behalf of both. In addition, DHS has the responsibleness to select, evaluate and monitor contracted providers of CYF-related services.



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